Ready to Renovate into a More Vital, Healthier You? 

Welcome! I’m Tiffany Murphy, your certified health coach to

A New, Renovated Way of Health and Vitality

As a Primal Health Coach Institute (PHCI) certified Health Coach, I am here to assist you on your wellness journey by providing support, insights, and information to reach a healthy, more vibrant you!

The Internet is chock full of outdated information and “health” gurus, so much so that it’s difficult to figure out what works and what doesn’t. If you work with me, I can promise you my full attention, support, and advice for your specific situation, and help you create a plan of action to rediscover your True Self. What is your True Self? It’s that person you have the capacity to be: healthy, strong, confident, and able to take care of whatever life throws your way.

Having me as your health coach will actually help save you countless hours and effort by cutting through the crap to find what truly works for you. No one wants to flounder through countless click-bait articles that offer nothing but more confusion and selling you things you don’t need and that aren’t good for you to begin with. While I can’t make any decisions for you, I can assist you in a non-dogmatic way to help kick start your personal health journey.

My focus for you as a client is to live in more alignment with your natural self in this tech driven world while still living life to the fullest. This looks like:

  • Getting up for sunrise and getting appropriate amounts of sunshine for optimal health

  • Drinking clean, mineral rich water

  • Grounding

  • Eating in seasonal manner with a foundation in Primal, Keto, or Carnivore ways of eating

  • And so much more!

If you are interested in starting your health journey with a health coach focused on what works vs what’s popular, then Apply to Work with me! Click the Apply Now button up top to start the process. Or if you’re not sure quite yet, check out my blog, or ask for more info via my contact form page.

***Nothing I say should be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor for any medical questions or issues you may have.***
***Please consult my Terms and Conditions, Disclaimers, or Privacy forms for further information.***

1:1 Coaching

Ideal choice for those that desire tailored support to create and achieve optimal health and lifestyle goals. Utilizing the Primal way, of living, moving, and eating, you will be on your way to vitality and health in no time!

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